Thursday, December 25, 2008

Concerned About Your Retirement?

Most people use the traditional buy, hold and pray strategy when it comes to investing their retirement funds and they just leave their retirement over to the executives on Wall Street to invest their money for them. However, there is a whole world of investment opportunity outside of the traditional stock market, but many investors are not trained or educated that it even exists. Most quote-unquote savvy investors diversify their retirement portfolios and they are 100% control of where their money is invested. They don't leave their money over to someone else to manage or worse yet don't have control over where their money is invested. This is one of those times in financial history you don't want to leave your money or investment decisions over to others, who after all, may not have your best financial interests at heart. Millions of Americans have left the investment of their money over to someone else without truly understanding what is going on with the markets. Most investors will lose money during this tumultuous time in the stock market. Sunwest Trust, Inc. is a self directed IRA custodian for your retirement funds. They are not investment advisors so they don't offer investment advice or make investment recommendations. Watch their company video to learn more about their firm.

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